Monday, 26 September 2011


I repeat my title.
(Just trying to rub the word in; fellow-sufferers, groan in unison)
Don't we just love them?!
Actually, our mutual dislike of these horrific forms of torture (with the odd boffin excluded) are really rather undeserved (as the odd boffin would agree).

I mean, what are these exams doing, but trying to help us?!
They're teaching us hordes of interesting information on a wide and varied range of subjects that stimulate and increase our knowledge besides sharpening our brains and increasing our IQ levels to at least rise above that of a potato... they're providing credentials to look good on our CVs (that is if we pass them, obviously)... they're propelling us into avenues by which we may further our education...(avenues as in blah blah rather than the tree-lined kind)

I sound like an odd boffin.

Somehow, I feel that is not a good thing.

At least, not at my age.

Really I should wait until I have at least grown a beard.

Awkward silence.

Moving on...

Well, what about this amazing quote?
'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.' - Thomas Edison.
Obviously for me, it's the other way round...!!
No more to be said.

Well, lets face it then: exams in a month, and I'm now at the cramming stage!

It's where you get down to it and grind.

It's called pegging.

I like that word. It invokes such wonderful imagery: me with ink stains all over my face and my tongue hanging out the side of my mouth in concentration, as with wild eyes and fiersome gaze I desperately and  frantically peg sheets of scribbled paper onto a washing line.


You can probably tell I'm trying to study for an English IGCSE. Right?!

As you all know, I peg money onto washinglines just to pass the time. 

Something I've always wondered about... why does Jo March in Little Women, think that the word 'pegging' is slang?! Is it slang? And why is it apparently a 'boyish' thing to say? I'm no feminist but I don't get it.
I mean, pegging is what most women are doing at least every other day, at least, the ones with families who don't use tumble dryers?

English language is crazy.

Latin is even crazier.

NO, we're not going into Latin!!

Save that brain-grinding subject for some future post; I need to go away and finish pegging up my money on the line... :)

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